We have a sweet little covered breezeway between our kitchen eating area and the back garage. It is what sold the house to me some 32 years ago. I still love it. These old lawn chairs were given to me by an elderly friend soon after that; they were old then. The little Bakers Rack, came when my daughter didn't need it any longer.
The hand-thrown chicken waterer, in the last photo, is one of my most treasured items from the past. It belonged to my husband's great grandmother. In my imagination I see a a tiny, little, old, country woman with a bun at the back of her head, calling the chickens.
So, one small part of Spring Clean Up finished. Now, I need another warm day to start on the rest. How is your Spring going?
This shelf holds a little granite ware coffee percolator and cup that belonged to my Grandfather. I found it at his old house over 40 years after he died. Found the flour shaker of Grandmothers at the same time. After they died, my uncle stayed in the falling down home place, but never, NEVER, changed a thing except to get a new TV. So after his death, going through the house was like touring a museum of the 40ies. Grandmother's dress still hung behind the door, there were nylons in the bedroom dresser, and Granddad's hat and suit coat hung on a nail in the bedroom, There was only one tiny closet.
I found the platter there, too, along with several others. Actually, I found so many wonderful old pieces. Even though I didn't have room, I carted them all home.
So, one small part of Spring Clean Up finished. Now, I need another warm day to start on the rest. How is your Spring going?
You're way ahead of me on the spring cleaning, our weather hasn't been cooperating lately. I see little pansies, can you send them over please? You have some wonderful family treasures here. I'm happy to hear they've been loved and appreciated for so many years.