Sixty four short years ago, just 7 minutes into the new day, I came into this world. I was counted as a blessing to my parents who had been married 7 years and been "trying" for a child for a long time. My dad was 42 at the time and my mother was 27.
They were the blessings, to me. My dad was Sunday School superintendent, at the time, at North Ballard Baptist Church; a thriving country church of some 75-85 souls. The first Sunday after I was born, he stood before the church to tell them of his new daughter. My mother recounted on many occasions what he said: "I have a new daughter, her name is Brenda Kay, and as much as I love her, I would rather she had never been born, than to know she would not be born again".
What a legacy they left behind. They believed that God should be put first, family second and work third. They not only believed it, they lived it. We didn't work on Sunday, even if the hay was left in the field to the rain, or the yard needed mowing, all were left for another day. My dad would stop working in the field to take me to a ball game or fishing, if I wanted. He said there would always be work to do. I'm so glad he did. We spent so many wonderful hours fishing, hunting, picking blackberries, and camping on the lake. We crammed a lot into the 21 years I lived at home and he went home to be with the Lord when I was just 27. Mom never preached,(in a pulpit, that is), she preached everywhere else. She never went to do missions, but she was a missionary every where she went. When Mom died, at 88-1/2 years of age, she couldn't tell you her name or mine, but she could still sing Amazing Grace. I know she is singing it still!
All to say, what a blessed, Blessed, BLESSED life I have enjoyed. Thank You, Lord for all you have given me in these wonderful 64 years.
What a beautiful story Brenda! I know you heart was singing as you typed it....